Fun Facts Virtual Quiz-The next generation in Pub Trivia

Fun Facts Virtual Quiz

As William Wallace once screamed at COVID-19, "You may take our freedom, but you will never take OUR QUIZ NIGHT!"

In this era of pub closures and lockdowns, we thought a virtual quiz from the comfort of your own loungeroom would be the way to go. Let's practice some Social Quiztancing!

  • Virtual quizzes will run every Thursday night at 7:30 pm and will run for one hour.
  • There will be a live stream on our Facebook page, and the quiz will be hosted on a third party website.
  • Each quiz consists of six rounds of ten multiple-choice questions.
  • Each round will take about six minutes, and there will be a five minute break between rounds.
  • Scores are tallied automatically, with the leaderboard updated in real time.
  • All scores and results will be published to our Facebook page the following day.
  • Cash prizes for the teams that finish 1st, 2nd and 3rd. (This will be expanded if things go well)
  • Entry fee is $10 per team.


Step 1:
  • Go to and sign up for a free account. 
  • Create a fun nickname (team name) when you register. 
  • This process will take less than 2 minutes.

Step 2:
  • Send us your $10 entry fee via Paypal
  • On the Paypal message, add a note that includes these three things:
    • Your nickname (team name)
    • Your email address
    • Date of the quiz you are playing
  • It will look something like this:
  • IMPORTANT: Payment must be received by 6:00 pm on the day of the quiz to ensure you are entered in time. (Payments are typically received instantly)

Step 3:
  • Once we have this info, we will email you a code at 7:00 pm, thirty minutes before quiz time. 
  • This code will allow you to join the quiz at

  • Some rounds will be themed. There will be polls during each quiz to determine the categories for our next Virtual Quiz.
  • Ideally players should have two devices - one to stream the Facebook Live feed, and one to play the quiz. If not, players can still play from one device.

Why is there a Facebook Live feed as well as a website to play the quiz? 
The live feed will feature Fun Facts big cheese and chief question writer, Steve, who will be able to help you through the process. He’ll also be able to answer any questions you may have in real time. We will also be posting polls on the live feed to get feedback on the format as well as topics for future virtual quizzes. 
The website ( will provide the platform players need to participate. Each question is timed so players can’t cheat (even though we obviously trust you). 
Why is there a fee to play? 
The COVID-19 situation has shut down a lot of small businesses. Our income normally comes from the venues that pay us to run quizzes for them. With pubs and other venues all closed, Fun Facts currently has zero revenue.
So we are asking our loyal followers, and hopefully a whole bunch of new friends to part with 10 bucks to have some fun and support this little business that we started back in 2008.
On the upside (and compared to some of the venues where you usually play, it's a MASSIVE upside), you can now play trivia and drink at bottle shop prices! No RSA, no Ubers home, etc. Look how much you're saving!
Can we play as a team? 
Absolutely! Most people are locked down at home, so you’ll most likely only have the people in your household to play with, but if you want to get creative and use Skype or FaceTime to try to team up, we're fine with that. This could actually be an opportunity to play against your regular teammates and see who emerges from this whole mess with bragging rights! Even if you’re a competitive couple, feel free to sign up separately and compete against each other! 
Are there prizes for the winners? 
Of course! Amounts will vary, dependent on how many players there are. Initially, prizes are $100 for 1st, $50 for 2nd and $25 for 3rd. Winners will be paid via Paypal.
Do I need two devices to play? 
Short answer is , 'no'. However, two devices would make the process easier for you.
Our Facebook Live stream will feature your host while the actual game will be played at If you have two devices (two phones, two computers or one of each) it will save you going back and forth between Facebook and MyQuiz. 
With two devices you can also chat with Steve in real time while play is ongoing, or talk to him if there’s some kind of technical issue. You may also get some enjoyment out of him ridiculing people for selecting some obviously wrong answers. (Honestly, Rob Schneider did NOT win an oscar for his role in 'The Sound Of Music'.
I signed up and paid my entry fee but didn't receive my code yet? 
The code for each quiz will be sent 30 minutes before quiz time i.e. at 7:00pm. If you don't have it, please check your spam folder as it will possibly be there. Still don't have it? Please hit us up on Facebook or and we will get you sorted out. 
What if my internet connection gets interrupted? 
As the quiz is happening simultaneously for all players there's not much we can do if your wi-fi goes out or your signal is interrupted. However, you can rejoin the quiz at any point and you'll be current with everyone else (although you may have missed one or more questions depending on how long your were offline).